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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowMedium to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravitysg 1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Rainbow Montipora Coral, belonging to the Acropoidae family and scientifically classified as Montipora monasteriata, is a visually appealing coral variety known for its rich coloration, encompassing hues of purple, red, and green. Its encrusting growth pattern and rainbow colors make it a sought-after choice for reef aquarium enthusiasts.

Demands and Hardiness

To thrive, the Rainbow Montipora Coral requires moderate to high lighting conditions provided by T-5s, powerful LEDs, or intense metal halides. It demands optimal water parameters with high pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels, while striving for low phosphate and nitrate levels. Maintaining moderate to strong water movement through powerheads or circulation pumps aids in its growth. Additionally, supplementing the water with calcium, magnesium, strontium, and trace elements is essential for its well-being.


Moderate to high lighting, such as T-5s, powerful LEDs, or metal halides, is necessary for the Rainbow Montipora Coral to thrive and display its vibrant colors effectively.

Water Flow

The Rainbow Montipora Coral thrives in environments with medium to strong water flow, achieved through the use of powerheads, circulation pumps, or other water movement devices.


While the Rainbow Montipora Coral obtains a significant portion of its nutrition through photosynthetic zooxanthellae algae, it can benefit from supplementary feedings like micro-plankton or filter feeding invertebrate foods for optimal health.


This species can be propagated through fragging methods when fragments are carefully detached from the main colony and attached to a new surface for growth.

Localization & Habitat

Typically found in the middle to top regions of reef aquariums, the Rainbow Montipora Coral is a peaceful inhabitant that requires ample space to accommodate its rapid growth under ideal conditions. In the wild, it thrives in tropical waters with temperatures ranging from 22.2-25.6°C and specific gravity levels between 1.023-1.026.


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