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Care DescriptionAcropora are the crown jewel of the SPS world.  No other genus has the sheer number of species as Acropora and when reef aquarists talk about the requirements to keep an SPS system, they are talking specifically about the care requirements of Acropora.  Having said that, Acropora are one of the most difficult corals to keep.  They are highly sensitive to changes in water chemistry and require the most in terms of flow and light.  Many experienced hobbyists have struggled keeping Acropora long term, but that is part of the attraction to this coral.  Lastly, Acropora benefit greatly from a well established aquarium, preferably one that has been set up at least for 1 year. Please see below for additional care tips for Acropora.
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Acropora, the crown jewel of the SPS world, encompassing a vast array of species coveted by reef aquarists for their stunning beauty and intricate structures. These corals are recognized as the epitome of SPS care requirements due to their sensitivity and demands for specific environmental conditions.

Demands and Hardiness

Acropora are notoriously challenging to maintain, being extremely sensitive to fluctuations in water chemistry. They necessitate a meticulous balance of water parameters and exhibit heightened demands for water flow and lighting intensity. The species typically thrive in well-established aquariums, ideally operational for at least one year.


Acropora thrives under high lighting conditions, suitable for high output fluorescent bulbs like T5 or even more intense sources such as metal halide. The coloration of Acropora colonies can transform based on the provided lighting, with certain hues potentially shifting dramatically in response to varying light intensities.

Water Flow

Requiring strong water movement, Acropora benefits from robust currents within the aquarium environment. Adequate water flow helps in maintaining the overall health and vitality of these delicate corals, mimicking their natural habitat conditions for optimal growth.


While predominantly reliant on zooxanthellae for nutrition, Acropora can also benefit from direct feeding. Feeding them liquid or powdery foods rich in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, along with vitamin additives and HUFA, can enhance their health. Small, easily ingestible food particles are recommended for optimal consumption.


Acropora has been extensively propagated in captivity, making it an excellent candidate for aquaculture efforts. This genus shows promise for sustainable harvesting through controlled propagation methods, contributing to conservation and reducing pressure on wild populations.

Localization & Habitat

Indigenous to the Indo-Pacific region, Acropora thrives in the warm waters surrounding islands like Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. These corals are integral to the reef ecosystems in these areas, playing crucial roles in biodiversity and ecological balance.


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