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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

Acropora echinata, commonly known as the Blue Acropora, belongs to the family Acroporidae and hails from the Indo-Pacific region, specifically islands like Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. A prized possession among reef aquarists, this coral is considered the crown jewel of the SPS (Small Polyp Stony) world due to its vibrant blue coloration.

Demands and Hardiness:

This species demands a moderately high light level in the aquarium, preferably provided by high output fluorescent bulbs like T5 or more intense options like metal halides. To maintain good health, supplemental calcium, strontium, and other trace elements should be added regularly to the water. They flourish under strong intermittent water currents, benefiting from a flow regime that keeps them well oxygenated and free from detritus accumulation. Acropora echinata is moderately hardy but requires stable water parameters and pristine conditions to thrive.


Acropora echinata thrives under moderate to high lighting conditions. Higher lighting intensity, such as metal halides, can enhance their coloration, although acclimation to intense lighting may be necessary. Notorious for dramatic color changes based on tank conditions, particularly lighting variations, this coral species can exhibit shifts from red to green pigmentation.

Water Flow:

Strong water movement is recommended for Acropora echinata, as it aids in gas exchange and waste removal, preventing the settling of detritus. A well-oxygenated environment with proper water flow helps maintain the health and vitality of these corals, mimicking their natural habitats where they experience varying currents.


While Acropora primarily rely on their zooxanthellae for nutrition, direct feeding can benefit them. Offering a variety of frozen fish foods rich in vitamins and highly unsaturated fatty acids is beneficial. Feeding small, easily ingestible portions of food, such as meaty rotifer-based options, can supplement their diet and promote growth.


Acropora echinata has been successfully propagated in captivity, making it an excellent candidate for aquaculture efforts. With extensive propagation experience, it is plausible to achieve sustainable harvesting practices over time, contributing to the conservation of this species in the wild.

Localization & Habitat:

In its natural habitat in the Indo-Pacific region, Acropora echinata thrives among the diverse marine ecosystems of tropical islands. Found in clear, shallow waters with ample sunlight and strong water currents, these corals play a vital role in reef-building and provide essential habitats for various marine organisms.


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