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Care DescriptionDifficult
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Maricultured Bali Acropora plana Coral, also known as the Crayola Table, features a cream-colored base with red/green polyps. This table Acropora can be cultured and propagated from living fragments or broken pieces under ideal conditions.

Demands and Hardiness

Acropora plana thrives in moderate to high lighting conditions and requires strong alternating water currents within the aquarium. Supplemental calcium, strontium, and trace elements are necessary for its continued good health. This coral hosts symbiotic algae zooxanthellae, which provide a significant portion of its nutritional needs through photosynthesis. Additionally, it can feed on micro-plankton or specialized filter-feeding invertebrate foods.


High lighting, such as metal halide or high-output fluorescent bulbs, benefits Acropora plana. Coloration can vary based on the intensity and type of lighting provided. Acclimation to intense lighting sources may be needed, with potential color changes, like red sections turning green, in response to tank conditions.

Water Flow

Strong water movement is recommended for Acropora plana, as they thrive in environments with vigorous water flow. Creating strong alternating currents in the aquarium will support the health and growth of this coral species.


While Acropora corals rely heavily on zooxanthellae for nutrition, direct feeding can be beneficial. Offering a mix of meaty rotifer-based foods with additives like vitamins and highly unsaturated fatty acids is recommended. Feeding with small-sized food particles, like cloudy supernate from thawed frozen foods, can help ensure that the coral can fully ingest the nutrients.


Acropora plana is extensively propagated in captivity and is considered an excellent candidate for aquaculture. With proper care and attention to its requirements, sustainable propagation of this coral species can be achieved over time.

Localization & Habitat

Acropora plana is found in the Indo-Pacific region, specifically in areas like Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. In the wild, these corals typically inhabit shallow waters and thrive in well-established reef environments. Placing them towards the top of the aquarium in secure rockwork arrangements mimics their natural habitat preferences.


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