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Care DescriptionDifficult
Water FlowMedium to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

The Northwoods Tricolor Acropora Coral is characterized by thin evenly spaced branches forming a circular table. This color variety typically displays gold with deep purple tips and green polyps. The parent colony of these coral frags was sourced from Fiji at a depth of around 25-35 feet and underwent quarantine and health inspection before propagation.

Demands and Hardiness:

The Northwoods Tricolor Acropora Coral requires a high light level of at least 5 watts per gallon, ideally from metal halide lighting, along with strong intermittent water current in the aquarium. To maintain optimal health, supplementing with a two-part calcium and buffer supplement is necessary to sustain calcium levels of 400-450 ppm and dKH of 8-12. Additionally, regular additions of zooplankton will benefit the coral.


This species thrives in moderate to high lighting conditions and can be sustained under high output fluorescent bulbs (T5), with potential benefits from more intense lighting such as metal halide (MH). Acropora's coloration may vary depending on the intensity and spectrum of light provided, and an acclimation period might be needed when transitioning to intense lighting.

Water Flow:

The Northwoods Tricolor Acropora Coral prefers medium to strong water flow within the aquarium. Strong water movement is recommended to promote the health and vitality of this coral species.


While Acropora primarily rely on the products of their zooxanthellae, they can benefit from direct feeding. Offering a variety of frozen fish foods rich in vitamins and highly unsaturated fatty acids is recommended. Feeding small-sized food particles using a turkey baster to target feed the polyps can enhance the overall health of the coral.


Acropora valida, the species to which the Northwoods Tricolor Coral belongs, has been extensively propagated in captivity and is considered an excellent candidate for aquaculture. With continuous efforts, a sustainable harvest of this coral species can potentially be achieved in the future.

Localization & Habitat:

Indigenous to the Indo-Pacific region, Acropora can be found in various locations including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. The species typically thrives in the middle to top sections of the aquarium, requiring a well-established tank environment for long-term success.


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