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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowMedium to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

The Purple Superman Montipora Coral is a visually striking bicolor encrusting coral variant, standing out with a lavender purple base coloration and vibrant carnation red polyps. Classified as Montipora orientalis, this coral is a favored choice among enthusiasts for its aesthetic appeal and peaceful nature within reef tank setups.

Demands and Hardiness:

To thrive, the Purple Superman Montipora Coral requires moderate to high aquarium lighting provided by T-5s, powerful LEDs, or intense metal halides. Maintaining high pH, alkalinity, calcium levels, and pristine water quality with minimal phosphate and nitrate levels is crucial for optimal growth. It also benefits from moderate to strong water movement within the tank to mimic its natural habitat conditions.


High levels of lighting, achieved through T-5s, potent LEDs, or metal halides, are essential for the Purple Superman Montipora Coral's health and vibrant coloration. Adequate lighting promotes photosynthesis and sustains the growth of symbiotic zooxanthellae algae residing within its structure.

Water Flow:

Moderate to strong water movement is recommended for the Purple Superman Montipora Coral to thrive in captivity. Mimicking ocean currents aids in nutrient exchange and waste removal, contributing to the overall well-being of the coral and preventing detritus buildup.


While the Purple Superman Montipora Coral primarily obtains nutrients through photosynthesis with its zooxanthellae algae, supplementing its diet with micro-plankton or specialized filter-feeding invertebrate foods can enhance its growth and vibrancy. Regular feedings ensure that the coral receives essential nutrients for sustained health.


Propagation of the Purple Superman Montipora Coral can be achieved through fragging techniques, where a piece of the coral is carefully removed and attached to a suitable substrate. Under optimal conditions, the frags can develop into new colonies, allowing for expansion within the aquarium.

Localization & Habitat:

In its natural habitat, the Purple Superman Montipora Coral is found in nutrient-rich waters with moderate to strong water flow, typically inhabiting reef environments. Providing a stable environment with proper lighting, water quality, and supplementation mimics its natural habitat conditions, promoting the coral's well-being and vibrant appearance.


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