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Care DescriptionAlveopora is a delicate type of LPS similar to Goniopora but with 12 tentacles instead of 24. Many aquarists find Alveopora easier to care for than Goniopora. Please see below for additional care tips for Alveopora.
Water FlowModerate to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Alveopora is a delicate type of LPS coral similar to Goniopora, boasting 12 tentacles instead of 24. Aquarists often find Alveopora easier to care for compared to Goniopora. The Wintergreen Alveopora features lovely shades of light green throughout its body, expanding several times the size of its skeleton.

Demands and Hardiness

Space should be allocated around the Alveopora coral as it can grow significantly. The frags typically have a 1/2" skeleton that expands to roughly 1.5". They require moderate to strong water movement, as they are sensitive to contact, but the strong flow does not typically bother them.


Alveopora corals can thrive in a wide range of lighting intensities, adapting to different levels found in home aquariums. However, if exposed to particularly bright lights, it's advisable to acclimate them gradually by starting in moderate lighting.

Water Flow

Moderate to strong water movement is recommended for Alveopora corals. Despite their sensitivity to contact, they can withstand strong water flow without issues.


Alveopora feeds on microscopic organisms like Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, with 20um-1mm particle sizes. Liquid and powdery foods are suitable for feeding this coral, with the potential addition of phytoplankton as a food source. If phytoplankton is scarce, finely ground meaty foods can be offered with a paste-like consistency.


Alveopora corals have been successfully fragmented for propagation, making them a viable option for breeding and spreading in aquariums.

Localization & Habitat

Alveopora corals are found in the islands of the Indo-Pacific region, including Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. They prefer water conditions with a KH range of 8-12, pH level of 8.1-8.4, specific gravity of 1.023-1.026, and a temperature range of 22.2-25.6°C.


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