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Care DescriptionDuncan corals, or Whisker corals, are a well loved LPS coming in a variety of colors. Hardy and peaceful these corals make excellent additons to many different types of reef aquariums. Please see below for additional care tips for Duncans.
Water FlowLow - Moderate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Duncan corals, also known as Whisker corals, are popular LPS corals that display a variety of colors. They are characterized by their peaceful nature and hardiness, making them a great addition to diverse reef aquariums. The Aussie Mint Green Duncans, in particular, feature a cool green center with tentacles showing purple undertones. They tend to grow tightly, forming a bushy appearance with 1-2 heads per frag.

Demands and Hardiness

Duncan corals are relatively easy to care for and are considered peaceful inhabitants of reef tanks. They thrive in a well-maintained environment and can adapt well to different tank setups. Their hardy nature makes them suitable for beginner and experienced aquarists alike.


These corals thrive under low to moderate lighting conditions. They are not overly sensitive to the intensity of the light, making them versatile in various aquarium lighting setups.

Water Flow

Maintaining a low to moderate water flow is ideal for Duncan corals. High flow areas can negatively impact their ability to open up fully and capture food from the water column, leading to potential feeding and health issues.


Duncan corals heavily rely on the products of their zooxanthellae for nutrition. Supplementing their diet with zooplankton, Mysis shrimp, and most powdered or pellet food in a size range of 0.1mm to approximately 13mm can benefit their overall health and growth.


Propagation of Duncan corals has been successful through fragmentation, and they display a quick recovery time after the process. This makes them a suitable candidate for aquarists interested in coral propagation projects.

Localization & Habitat

Duncan corals are native to Australia, including regions like the Great Barrier Reef. Their natural habitat consists of reef environments where they can thrive in symbiosis with other marine organisms, contributing to the biodiversity of the ecosystem.


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