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Care DescriptionChalice Corals are a broad collection of corals that are loosely jumbled together. Several different genera of corals are represented ranging from Echinopora, Oxypora, Mycedium, and even Lithophyllon. As such, care requirements are going to be generalized more than other corals because these are very different corals that all get lumped in together. Please see below for more care tips for Chalice Corals.
Water FlowModerate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Chalice Corals encompass various genera such as Echinopora, Oxypora, Mycedium, and Lithophyllon, showcasing a diverse range of appearances. These corals are often a mix of unique forms and colors, making them a captivating addition to any reef tank.

Demands and Hardiness

Chalice Corals necessitate a moderate setup with around 100 PAR lighting for optimal coloration and health. They can tolerate more intense light but typically do not thrive under extremes exceeding 400 PAR. Adequate lighting is crucial to maintain their vibrant fluorescence, especially visible under actinic LED lighting. Moderate water flow is recommended to prevent detritus buildup and potential toppling of colonies due to excessive water currents.


It is recommended to provide moderate lighting of approximately 100 PAR for Chalice Corals. While they can withstand more intense light, excessive levels above 400 PAR may lead to color fading, depending on the specific species. The captivating fluorescence of these corals is best appreciated under actinic LED lights.

Water Flow

Moderate water movement is essential for Chalice Corals. Inadequate flow may cause detritus accumulation, creating dead spots, while excessive flow can lead to colonies toppling over due to their sail-like shape. Maintaining a balanced water flow ensures the well-being of these corals in an aquarium environment.


Chalice Corals heavily rely on their zooxanthellae for nutrition but are surprisingly voracious eaters. They readily consume small organisms like Mysis Shrimp and pellets within the size range of 6 to 13mm. Despite lacking pronounced polyp extension, these corals consume significant amounts of food, as observed in time-lapse videos, showcasing their feeding behavior and appetite.


Chalice Corals have been extensively propagated in captivity, making them excellent candidates for aquaculture. Propagation methods involve cutting colonies into large sections, allowing them to heal before further fragmentation into frag-sized pieces. This technique enhances the survival rates of propagated chalice colonies.

Localization & Habitat

Chalice Corals are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific region, spanning various islands like Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Their natural habitat consists of diverse marine environments within these regions, reflecting their adaptability to different reef conditions.


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