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Care DescriptionCatalaphyllia jardinei are commonly known in the reef aquarium hobby as Elegance Coral. They are found throughout the Pacific however we have had the best success with the specimens from Australia. For this reason, we carry exclusively Aussie Elegances. As a side note, Elegances happen to be one of the corals that got me into the hobby into the first place. People often ask what is my favorite coral, and I can never pick out just one, however the Elegance Coral is always on my short list. Please see below for additional care tips for Elegance Coral.
Water FlowLow - Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Catalaphyllia jardinei, commonly referred to as Elegance Coral, are medium-sized corals with a 2" skeleton that can expand up to 6" when fully extended. They are known for their beauty and distinctive appearance in reef aquariums.

Demands and Hardiness

Elegance Corals have been noted to be from the best specimens from Australia in the Pacific region. It is recommended to exclusively source Aussie Elegances for optimal success. They have been observed to benefit from a range of flow conditions, from low to strong, with stronger flow aiding in bringing more food to the coral's tentacles.


Low to medium lighting is suitable for Catalaphyllia, with a potential need for longer acclimation to intense lighting like metal halides. Elegance corals maintain consistent coloration even with variations in lighting, making them relatively tolerant to changes in this regard.

Water Flow

Elegance corals have demonstrated resilience to various flow conditions, from very little movement to strong currents. Stronger flow has shown to be advantageous in delivering more food to the coral's tentacles, aiding in their feeding process.


While Catalaphyllia are primarily photosynthetic, they can also benefit from direct feeding. Offering a mix of meaty foods such as shrimp, fish, and squid, along with medium to large-sized pellets, krill, and Mysis is recommended. They have been observed to possess predatory behavior towards snails, potentially eliminating them from the tank environment.


Currently, Catalaphyllia is not considered a suitable candidate for aquaculture due to challenges in propagation. One method involves carefully cutting them with a band saw, although this poses risks. Alternatively, allowing the colony to grow significantly and waiting for buds to appear at the base before removing and remounting them is another possible technique, albeit a slower process.

Localization & Habitat

Elegance Corals, belonging to the Catalaphyllia species, are commonly found across the Pacific in reef habitats. They are typically harvested from various locations in the Indopacific, including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and notably from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.


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