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Care DescriptionBubble Tip Anemones are some of the most popular anemones in the reef aquarium hobby due in large part to their appearance but also because these anemones serve as hosts to a large number of clownfish. They are also capable of moving around the aquarium and often do not settle on a single location. It is for this reason that any exposed pumps and drains should be protected to prevent one of these anemones from getting sucked in. Please see below for more care tips for bubble tips.
Water FlowModerate to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Bubble Tip Anemones, specifically the Nexus Joker Bubble Tip Anemone, are popular in the reef aquarium hobby due to their striking appearance and their symbiotic relationship with clownfish. These anemones are known to move around the aquarium and may not settle in one location, requiring protection for exposed pumps and drains to prevent accidents. The Nexus Joker Bubble Tip Anemone is a color morph branching from the Nexus Burst genetic lineage, featuring a dark green body with a faint purple center, icy speckles, streaks, and tentacle tips ranging from pink to purple.

Demands and Hardiness

Bubble Tip Anemones have moderate to strong water flow requirements. However, they are prone to moving around the tank, making them susceptible to getting caught in overflows and exposed pumps. It is recommended to use sponge filters to prevent damage to the anemones caused by contact with such equipment.


Bubble Tip Anemones can thrive in various lighting conditions, from low power fluorescents to 400W metal halide bulbs. Stronger lighting tends to enhance their coloration, but these anemones can relocate to areas with preferred lighting, making placement less critical compared to sessile corals.

Water Flow

Moderate to strong water movement is recommended for Bubble Tip Anemones. Due to their mobile nature, precautions should be taken, such as using sponge filters, to prevent the anemones from being harmed by getting caught in pumps or overflows.


These anemones can be fed a variety of foods, including Mysis, Krill, small fish, and medium to large pellets. Offering a mixture of meaty foods like shrimp, fish, and squid, with silversides being a favorite, once every 3-4 days is recommended for optimal nutrition.


Bubble Tip Anemones have been successfully propagated through various methods, such as longitudinal fission where they split into two. Some aquarists induce this behavior through stressors like changing salinity or water temperature, while others observe spontaneous propagation without intervention.

Localization & Habitat

Bubble Tip Anemones, originating from the Pacific, are commonly found in regions across Indonesia and Australia. Their adaptable nature allows them to thrive in diverse aquatic environments, contributing to their popularity among aquarists.


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