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Care DescriptionBubble Tip Anemones are some of the most popular anemones in the reef aquarium hobby due in large part to their appearance but also because these anemones serve as hosts to a large number of clownfish. They are also capable of moving around the aquarium and often do not settle on a single location. It is for this reason that any exposed pumps and drains should be protected to prevent one of these anemones from getting sucked in. Please see below for more care tips for bubble tips.
Water FlowModerate to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Bubble Tip Anemones, specifically the Speckled Bubble Tip Anemone, are visually striking with a subtle combination of orange, red, and green colors, adorned with white speckling across their bodies. These anemones are popular in the reef aquarium hobby as they offer a vibrant aesthetic appeal and often serve as hosts for Clown Fish. Unlike many stationary corals, Bubble Tip Anemones have a tendency to move around the aquarium, requiring precautions to safeguard against being pulled into pumps and drains due to their nomadic nature.

Demands and Hardiness

Bubble Tip Anemones are relatively adaptable creatures when it comes to lighting, thriving in a range from low-power fluorescents to intense 400W metal halide bulbs. While they can withstand varying light levels, brighter lighting conditions are believed to enhance their coloration. However, due to their mobility, their placement may not be as critical as that of sessile corals. These anemones prefer moderate to strong water movement, but their propensity to roam makes protection of exposed pumps and overflows essential in aquarium setups to prevent harm.


Bubble Tip Anemones exhibit a versatile tolerance for lighting, from low to high intensities. While they can thrive under different lighting sources, specimens under stronger lighting often display more vivid colors, enhancing their aesthetic appeal.

Water Flow

These anemones thrive in moderate to strong water flow conditions; however, their constant movement around the tank makes them prone to getting trapped in overflows and pumps. To prevent injuries, it is advisable to avoid open pumps and utilize sponge filters to safeguard Bubble Tip Anemones from harm in the aquatic environment.


Bubble Tip Anemones have diverse dietary preferences, consuming Mysis, Krill, small fish, and medium to large-sized pellets (around 5mm to 100mm). They respond well to a diet of various frozen fish foods, including shrimp, fish, and squid, with silversides being a favorite meal provided every 3-4 days.


Propagation of Bubble Tip Anemones has been successful, with methods varying among individuals. These anemones can propagate through longitudinal fission, where they split independently. Some aquarists induce this reproductive behavior by introducing stressors like changes in salinity or water temperature, although some specimens split autonomously without external stimuli. Their capability for self-reproduction makes them an intriguing species to observe in reef aquariums.

Localization & Habitat

Bubble Tip Anemones hail from the Pacific region, primarily found in areas spanning Indonesia and Australia. Their natural habitat features diverse marine environments where they establish themselves, showcasing their symbiotic relationships with Clown Fish and their tendency to roam the reef, adding dynamism to the underwater ecosystem.


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