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Care DescriptionEasy
Water FlowModerate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Red and Green Favia Coral, also known as Pineapple Coral, Brain Coral, Closed Brain Coral, or Honeycomb Coral, belongs to the Faviidae family. This LPS coral features a unique coloration with green ruffled borders and red polyp centers, creating a visually striking appearance. Its aggressive nature is displayed through the expansion of sweeper tentacles at night, making it crucial to provide adequate spacing within the reef aquarium.

Demands and Hardiness

Caring for the Red and Green Favia Coral is relatively easy, suitable for reef hobbyists ranging from beginners to experts. These corals mainly fulfill their nutritional needs through photosynthetic, symbiotic zooxanthellae algae but can benefit from supplemental feeding with micro-plankton or brine shrimp. To maintain good health, supplementation of calcium, magnesium, strontium, and trace elements is necessary. Medium water flow and moderate lighting are ideal for their growth and well-being.


Moderate lighting is recommended for the Red and Green Favia Coral to thrive in a reef aquarium. Providing appropriate lighting levels ensures the coral's photosynthetic capabilities are optimized, promoting its overall health and vibrant coloration.

Water Flow

Moderate water flow is crucial for the Red and Green Favia Coral's well-being. Adequate water movement helps in nutrient distribution, waste removal, and preventing detritus buildup around the coral. Maintaining a suitable flow rate is essential for the coral's health and longevity.


While the Red and Green Favia Coral primarily relies on photosynthesis for nutrition, supplementing their diet with micro-plankton or brine shrimp can be beneficial. Offering these supplementary foods helps ensure that the coral receives all essential nutrients for optimal growth and health.


Propagation of the Red and Green Favia Coral can be achieved through fragmenting larger colonies or by allowing them to naturally reproduce in a suitable aquarium environment. Successful propagation methods can help expand coral populations sustainably and reduce dependence on wild-caught specimens.

Localization & Habitat

Red and Green Favia Corals are commonly found in reef environments where they attach to hard substrates. Their natural habitat includes tropical waters with stable temperature ranges and moderate water flow. Mimicking these conditions within a reef aquarium will help create a suitable environment for the coral to thrive and exhibit its distinctive coloration and growth patterns.


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