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Care DescriptionGorgonians are often associated with the vision of graceful sea fans on the floor of the Caribbean. While many are fan-like in appearance, Gorgonians are a highly diverse Order that range from encrusting species resembling Xenia to rope-like species that grow in a single long strand. Care must be taken when shopping for Gorgonians because many of the spectacularly colored specimens are non-photosynthetic and require specialized husbandry. Please see below for additional care tips for sea fans.
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

Gorgonians, part of the Gorgonian sea fan family, are known for their elegant presence in the depths of the Caribbean seas. Although commonly resembling fan-like structures, Gorgonians exhibit a wide diversity, ranging from encrusting varieties akin to Xenia to rope-like species that grow in extended strands.

Demands and Hardiness:

Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata, also known as the Purple Plume Sea Fan, boasts a distinctive purple base and tan polyps. Its closely spaced growth pattern, coupled with commendable hardiness, renders it an appealing choice for reef tank enthusiasts wishing to introduce diversity. While this Caribbean sea fan is photosynthetic, it thrives when regularly fed, showcasing its overall robustness. Careful selection is advised during procurement, as some remarkably colored Gorgonians are non-photosynthetic and entail specialized care regimes to flourish.


To ensure optimal coloration and health, Gorgonians necessitate intense lighting. Given that Caribbean sea fans are photosynthetic and typically inhabit shallow waters, utilizing Metal Halide lighting, potent T5's, or LED lighting is recommended. In cases of non-photosynthetic sea fans, often originating from the Pacific, meticulous attention must be given as they rely on constant filter feeding for sustenance, posing a challenge even for experienced hobbyists.

Water Flow:

Gorgonians thrive under strong water movement conditions, with wave boxes or controlled powerheads mimicking a back-and-forth surge being ideal for simulating their natural habitat. Tunze Waveboxes are favored for creating the desired flow patterns that support the growth and vibrancy of Caribbean sea fans.


Gorgonians predominantly rely on products from their zooxanthellae for nutrition. Additionally, they may feed on phytoplankton and similarly sized microfauna in the water column. Liquid and powdery foods, particularly those containing Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in particle sizes ranging from 20um to 1mm, are suitable for enhancing the dietary requirements of Gorgonians. Dry phytoplankton-based foods designed for filter-feeding reef dwellers can also be beneficial for their sustenance.


This genus of Gorgonians has been extensively propagated in captivity, making it a prime candidate for aquaculture endeavors. While the process of cutting Gorgonians for propagation is relatively straightforward, affixing them to rocks can prove challenging due to their tendency to shed their outer layers. With concerted efforts, achieving sustainable harvesting of Gorgonians in captivity is considered viable, offering promise for marine conservation initiatives.

Localization & Habitat:

Sea fans, including the Purple Plume Sea Fan, are commonly found in various coral reefs worldwide, with Caribbean reefs specifically hosting a diverse array of Gorgonians. Their natural habitat in the Caribbean seas underscores their adaptation to specific environmental conditions, highlighting the importance of replicating these conditions in captive settings to ensure their well-being and longevity.


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