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Care DescriptionOn this site, these corals are lumped together in a single category because they can be difficult to tell apart. In some cases, the differences between coral types are more pronounced for example, Lithophyllon for a long time was considered a chalice coral so clearly someone thought it looked different enough to be sorted into a completely separate category of LPS. Please see below for additional care tips for Lithophyllon.
Water FlowModerate - Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Lithophyllon corals, categorized together due to their challenging differentiation, display vibrant purple and bright green coloration, with frags typically measuring around 1"+.

Demands and Hardiness (Setup)

While photosynthetic, Lithophyllon corals are strong feeders, benefiting greatly from spot feeding with medium to large-sized offerings such as Mysis, Krill, and pellets (around 5mm to 50mm). Care should be taken to provide appropriately sized food to prevent choking hazards. They thrive under moderate lighting conditions of about 100 PAR, with more intense lighting occasionally tolerated but not preferred, as excessive light can lead to color fading.


A lighting range around 100 PAR is recommended for optimal coloration and health, with chalice corals displaying remarkable fluorescence, best appreciated under actinic LED lighting. These corals are known to exhibit their most vibrant colors in winter, with a slight dulling in summer, but regaining their attractiveness once settled in a stable reef environment.

Water Flow

Preferring moderate water movement but tolerating strong flow, Lithophyllon corals are adaptable to varying flow conditions.


While primarily reliant on photosynthesis, Lithophyllon corals are excellent feeders, benefitting from regular spot feeding of large meaty foods like shrimp and krill.


Successful fragmentation has been achieved with Lithophyllon corals, with the genus quickly regaining its shape post-fragmentation, making it suitable for long-term propagation efforts.

Localization & Habitat

Lithophyllon corals, such as the Loki Lithophyllon, are commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region around islands like Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef, with a significant portion originating from Australia.


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