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Care DescriptionOn this site, these corals are lumped together in a single category because they can be difficult to tell apart. In some cases, the differences between coral types are more pronounced for example, Lithophyllon for a long time was considered a chalice coral so clearly someone thought it looked different enough to be sorted into a completely separate category of LPS. Please see below for additional care tips for Lithophyllon.
Water FlowModerate - Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:

The Ultra Orange Lithophyllon Plate Chalice coral is characterized by brilliant orange coloration with purple streaking, exhibiting an encrusting growth form ideal for filling in bare areas within rockwork setups.

Demands and Hardiness:

Lithophyllon corals are known to be excellent feeders, consuming Mysis, Krill, and medium to large-sized pellets. While primarily photosynthetic, they benefit greatly from regular spot feeding of large meaty foods, requiring careful attention to avoid feeding overly large chunks.


Thriving in low to moderate lighting conditions, Lithophyllon corals can adapt to various light intensities while maintaining consistent coloration and growth rates. Initial placement in low to medium light is recommended to prevent shock from intense lighting.

Water Flow:

Moderate to strong water movement is advised for Lithophyllon corals, although they can tolerate fairly strong flow patterns within the aquarium setup.


Lithophyllon corals exhibit a preference for spot feeding with large meaty foods such as shrimp and krill, complementing their photosynthetic capabilities for sustained health and growth.


Successful fragmentation has been achieved with Lithophyllon corals, with the genus displaying rapid regeneration post-fragmentation, distinguishing them as suitable candidates for long-term propagation efforts.

Localization & Habitat:

Plate corals, including Lithophyllon species, are prevalent around the Indo-Pacific islands like Fiji, Tonga, and the Great Barrier Reef, with a substantial population originating from Australian waters.


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