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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowModerate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Green Long Polyp Galaxea Coral, also known as the Tooth, Star, Crystal, Starburst, Brittle, or Galaxy Coral, is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral characterized by its striking green color. This species is part of the Oculinidae family and is noted for its aggressive behavior within a reef aquarium, requiring adequate space to prevent damage to other corals due to its stinging polyps that extend significantly at night.

Demands and Hardiness

To thrive, the Green Long Polyp Galaxea Coral needs moderate to high lighting conditions, which can vary from power compacts, VHO, T-5's, to metal halides. Positioning in the aquarium should be adjusted based on the lighting type; under metal halides, it should be mid to low, while in other lighting, a mid to high position is suitable. Metal halide lighting is recommended for intense coloration, alongside moderate water flow. Additionally, maintaining calcium, strontium, and other trace elements in the water is crucial for its health. Zooplankton supplements can also benefit this coral species.


The Green Long Polyp Galaxea Coral requires moderate to high lighting levels to thrive. Positioning within the aquarium should be adjusted based on the type of lighting used to ensure optimal health and coloration.

Water Flow

Moderate water flow is ideal for the Green Long Polyp Galaxea Coral to maintain its health and well-being within the reef aquarium setup.


Supplementation with calcium, strontium, iodine, and trace elements is essential to support the nutritional requirements of the Green Long Polyp Galaxea Coral. Additionally, adding zooplankton to the tank can further boost its health and vibrancy.


Propagation of the Galaxea astreata species can be achieved through fragmentation and careful handling to create new colonies. This process requires attention to detail to ensure successful reproduction.

Localization & Habitat

In its natural habitat, the Green Long Polyp Galaxea Coral can be found in tropical marine environments, often in shallow waters with moderate water flow. Adhering to these conditions in an aquarium setting can help replicate its natural habitat and promote its well-being.


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