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Care DescriptionStar Polyps are a common beauty that is iconic in the hobby. It is hard to find a seasoned aquarist that has not owned green star polyps (or GSP for short) at one point or another in their enjoyment of reef aquariums. They are a hardy soft coral that grows quickly in encrusting mats. They do best in strong flow as their base tends to attract algae growth. Please see below for additional care tips for Star Polyps.
Water FlowModerate - Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Star Polyps, specifically the Green Star Polyps (GSP), are highly popular soft corals known for their rapid growth in encrusting mats. They are a staple in reef aquariums and are favored by both beginners and seasoned aquarists for their hardiness and striking beauty.

Demands and Hardiness

Green Star Polyps are considered a great starting coral due to their fast growth and resilience. They thrive in strong water flow as their base has a tendency to attract algae growth. They can adapt to a range of lighting conditions, from low to high, making them versatile additions to various tank setups.


Green Star Polyps are not overly sensitive to the intensity of light they receive. They have been successfully kept under different lighting types, including old fluorescent bulbs, metal halide, and LED lights. This adaptability makes them suitable for a wide range of aquarium setups.

Water Flow

For optimal growth and health, Green Star Polyps require moderate to high water movement. Sufficient water flow helps prevent detritus from settling on their surface, promoting a cleaner environment. Increased water flow has also been observed to accelerate their growth rate.


Green Star Polyps primarily feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton, with particle sizes ranging from 20um to 1mm. Liquid and powdery foods rich in these nutrients are suitable for sustaining their feeding habits. Additionally, they rely on the products of their zooxanthellae for nutrition.


Green Star Polyps have been extensively propagated in captivity, making them an excellent candidate for aquaculture. With proper care, it is possible to achieve sustainable harvesting of these corals over time, reducing the pressure on wild populations.

Localization & Habitat

Green Star Polyps are commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, specifically on islands such as Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Their natural habitat includes rocky substrates where they form expansive mats, showcasing their characteristic beauty in the wild.


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