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Care DescriptionPavona are commonly referred to as Cactus Corals as several of their growth forms resemble cacti. They are a fast growing SPS Coral and can quickly form a large colony from a single frag. They are considered one of the easiest SPS corals to care for. Please see below for more care tips for Pavona.
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Pavona, known as Cactus Corals due to their growth forms resembling cacti, are fast-growing SPS corals that can form large colonies from a single frag. Considered one of the easiest SPS corals to care for, Neon Green Pavona is a vibrant addition to any reef tank.

Demands and Hardiness

Neon Green Pavona relies heavily on its zooxanthellae for nutrition but may also feed on rotifers and similarly sized microfauna in the water column. When placing a Pavona colony, careful consideration is needed due to their sweeper tentacles, which can potentially damage neighboring corals. These corals require strong water movement to prevent detritus buildup, ensuring both better food delivery to the colony and maintaining a clean, healthy environment.


Pavona thrives in medium lighting conditions, with excessive brightness potentially leading to coral bleaching. If transitioning to intense lighting such as metal halides or higher wattage LED's, a longer acclimation period may be necessary to prevent shock and damage to the coral.

Water Flow

Strong water flow is essential for Pavona corals as it aids in food delivery and prevents detritus accumulation. Additionally, strong currents create aesthetic appeal by showcasing the tentacles' movement, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the aquarium and avoiding dead flow areas that can harm the coral.


Pavona corals primarily rely on the products of their zooxanthellae for nutrition. However, they can also consume rotifers and similar-sized microfauna present in the water column to supplement their diet. Careful attention should be paid to avoid overfeeding and maintain water quality.


Pavona corals have been successfully propagated in captivity and are excellent candidates for aquaculture. Their fast growth rate suggests the possibility of achieving sustainable harvesting practices over time, contributing to conservation efforts and reducing pressure on wild populations.

Localization & Habitat

Native to the Indo-Pacific region, Pavona corals can be found in various islands, including Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Thriving in these warm tropical waters, Pavona colonies contribute to the diverse and vibrant ecosystems of coral reefs in the region.


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