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Care DescriptionPectinia, or Antler coral, grow in a combination of pillar and plating structures. This unique growth pattern gives this coral a very elegant look. In the past only drab colored specimens made it into the marketplace. Today many colorful varieties are available. Please see below for additional care tips for Pectinia.
Water FlowLow - Moderate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Pectinia, known as Antler coral, displays a striking combination of pillar and plating structures, resulting in an elegant appearance. While previously available specimens were predominantly drab in color, the market now offers a variety of vibrant options. The Space Invader Pectinia, for example, features a neon green sparkled base with bright yellow eyes, adding to its allure.

Demands and Hardiness

Pectinia thrives through a reliance on the products of their zooxanthellae, benefiting from phytoplankton and other small morsels for additional nourishment. To maintain their health, these corals require low to moderate lighting, with a preference for lower light intensities to promote optimal growth. Adequate water flow ranging from low to moderate is essential to prevent sediment accumulation in the coral's depressions.


For optimal growth and development, Pectinia corals prefer low to moderate lighting conditions. Providing suitable light levels ensures the coral's well-being, with lower light intensities often yielding the best results for this species.

Water Flow

Maintaining a water flow that ranges from low to moderate is crucial for Pectinia corals. Sufficient water movement is necessary to prevent the buildup of sediments within the coral's depressions, promoting a healthy environment for growth and development.


Pectinia corals heavily rely on their zooxanthellae for nutrition. Supplementing their diet with phytoplankton and other small food items can further enhance their health and vibrancy, ensuring they receive a well-rounded source of sustenance.


Successful fragmentation has been achieved in propagating Pectinia corals. However, varieties with pronounced sharp ridges may exhibit challenges in propagation efforts, requiring specialized care and attention to ensure successful reproduction.

Localization & Habitat

Originating from the islands of the Indo-Pacific region, including Fiji, Tonga, and the Solomon Islands, Pectinia corals are naturally found in these tropical marine environments. Their habitat reflects the specific water conditions they thrive in, with parameters such as a pH range of 8.1-8.4, a temperature range between 22.2-25.6°C, and a specific gravity of 1.023-1.026 contributing to their optimal growth and well-being.


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