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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowModerate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12
  • General Description: The Bomb Squad Chalice Coral showcases vibrant hues of blue, green, and hints of purple, complemented by blaze orange and chartreuse "eyes," while its heavily-tissued, fleshy body adds texture and depth, creating a visually striking display. This color morph is highly sought after by enthusiasts for its exotic appeal.

  • Demands and Hardiness: Care for the Bomb Squad Chalice Coral is relatively simple, requiring pristine water conditions and a preference for horizontal placement in low to medium light areas with mild water movement. Adaptable to varied lighting intensities, it exhibits either encrusting or plating habits based on its placement within the aquarium.

  • Lighting: Optimal lighting for the Bomb Squad Chalice Coral ranges from low to moderate, with the species thriving under lower light conditions.

  • Water Flow: Moderate water movement is ideal for the Bomb Squad Chalice Coral, as it prevents sediment accumulation in its depressions.

  • Feeding: Primarily feeding at night, the Chalice Coral benefits from occasional supplementation with meaty marine foods like baby brine shrimp or CYCLOP-EEZE. While not necessary, adding calcium, strontium, and trace elements to the water column promotes its well-being.

  • Propagation: Successful fragment propagation has been reported for the Bomb Squad Chalice Coral, although varieties with prominent sharp ridges may pose challenges in propagation efforts.

  • Localization & Habitat: Originating from the islands of the Indo-Pacific, including regions like Fiji, Tonga, and the Solomon Islands, the Bomb Squad Chalice Coral thrives in diverse marine environments and adds a touch of elegance to reef ecosystems.


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