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Care DescriptionFlower anemones (sometimes referred to as Rock anemones) are a very hardy and colorful variety of anemone. They are easy to feed and do not move as much as some of the other types available in the hobby. They do not host clownfish as most are Caribbean in origin. Please see below for more care tips for flower anemones.
Water FlowModerate to Strong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Flower anemones, also known as Rock anemones, are a vibrant and robust type of anemone. These anemones are prized for their striking colors and relative ease of care. They are generally stationary and do not exhibit as much movement as other anemone species. Flower anemones are primarily white with green accents and typically reach diameters of about 2.25 inches, making them a charming addition to reef tanks.

Demands and Hardiness

Flower anemones are considered to be quite hardy and can thrive in a variety of reef tank setups. They are not as demanding as some other anemone species and are relatively easy to feed. While they do not typically host clownfish, they can still be a visually appealing and low-maintenance addition to a Caribbean biotope aquarium.


These anemones can thrive under a range of lighting intensities. It is recommended to provide them with low to moderate lighting conditions in the aquarium. However, it is essential to note that flower anemones have the ability to move to areas within the tank that they find more suitable, which may affect their exposure to light.

Water Flow

Moderate to strong water movement is ideal for flower anemones. Providing adequate water flow in the tank helps simulate their natural habitat conditions and ensures proper oxygen and nutrient distribution around the anemones.


Flower anemones are not picky eaters and can consume a variety of foods. They can be fed with Mysis, Krill, small fish, and medium to large-sized pellets. Offering a diverse diet that includes meaty foods like shrimp, fish, and squid, supplemented with vitamin additives and highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), will help keep these anemones healthy and thriving.


Propagation of flower anemones has been successfully achieved within the hobby. With proper care and conditions, these anemones can reproduce and multiply in the aquarium setting, allowing enthusiasts to sustainably expand their population.

Localization & Habitat

Flower anemones are predominantly found in the Caribbean, with the exception of the Pacific Green Flower Anemone. Their natural habitat includes rocky substrates where they can anchor themselves securely. Replicating such conditions in the aquarium setup can help ensure the well-being of these colorful and fascinating anemones.


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