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Care DescriptionPocillopora despite being one of the less popular stony corals in the reef aquarium hobby are second only to Acropora in reef building productivity in the wild. Their skeletons make up a huge portion of the reef’s structure in the ocean. Pocillopora are one of the most adaptable SPS corals in that they tolerate a wide range of both light and flow. Please see below for more care tips for Pocillopora.
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Pink Pocillopora, specifically the Fiji Pink Pocillopora damicornis, is a fast-growing branching Small Polyp Stony (SPS) coral that plays a significant role in reef building productivity in the wild, despite being less popular in the reef aquarium hobby compared to Acropora. Their skeletons contribute significantly to the reef's structure and are known for their adaptability to a wide range of light and flow conditions.

Demands and Hardiness

Pink Pocillopora prefers slightly higher light levels for optimal coloration but can thrive under lower light conditions as well. It is a robust coral that can tolerate varied flow intensities, with strong water movement being recommended, mimicking the surge zones where they are commonly found in the wild.


High lighting is beneficial for Pink Pocillopora as it enhances their coloration and overall health. While they can adapt to lower light conditions, brighter lighting typically results in more vibrant colors. Acclimating them to intense lighting sources like metal halides and LEDs may require a longer adjustment period.

Water Flow

Strong water movement is essential for Pink Pocillopora, mirroring the natural surge zones they inhabit in the wild. Providing adequate flow helps to maintain the health of the coral and promote proper nutrient exchange within the polyps.


Pink Pocillopora predominantly feeds on Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, necessitating the use of liquid and powdery foods consisting of small particles ranging from 20um to 1mm. Feeding can be facilitated by using a turkey baster to distribute the cloudy supernate created after thawing frozen food over the coral colonies, promoting their nutrition and growth.


Pink Pocillopora has been successfully propagated in captivity and is a suitable candidate for aquaculture due to its ability to reproduce effectively through polyp bailout. This process involves individual polyps detaching from the base skeleton and establishing new colonies elsewhere on the reef. Different environmental conditions can influence the shape and coloration of these corals, with larger colonies being specialized for specific locations on the reef.

Localization & Habitat

Found in the Indo-Pacific region, specifically on islands such as Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef, Pink Pocillopora thrives in diverse marine environments. Their presence contributes significantly to the structural integrity of the reef ecosystems where they play a crucial role in reef building processes alongside other coral species.


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