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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description:The Purple Stylophora Coral, scientifically known as Stylophora pistillata, is a type of small-polyped stony (SPS) coral belonging to the Pocilloporidae family. It features rounded branches with blunt ends, a distinguishing characteristic from other similar SPS corals. This coral species exhibits a striking purple coloration, adding a vibrant pop to any reef aquarium.

Demands and Hardiness:Moderate care requirements are needed to maintain the optimal health of the Purple Stylophora Coral. It is crucial to provide a stable environment with proper lighting, water flow, and supplementation to ensure its well-being. This coral demonstrates a degree of adaptability but benefits from consistent monitoring and care.

Lighting:The Purple Stylophora Coral thrives in moderate to high lighting conditions, with high lighting enhancing its coloration. Suitable lighting options include power compacts, VHO, T-5s, and metal halides. Proper positioning within the aquarium according to the lighting intensity is essential for the coral's health and growth.

Water Flow:Strong water movement is recommended for the Purple Stylophora Coral, mimicking the natural surge zones where it is commonly found in the wild. Providing adequate water flow helps in nutrient distribution, waste removal, and promoting polyp extension in the coral.

Feeding:Feeding the Purple Stylophora Coral involves offering liquid and powdery foods containing Phytoplankton and Zooplankton particles. Regular supplementation with micro-plankton or filter-feeding invertebrate foods on a weekly basis supports the nutritional needs of this coral species. Utilizing the cloudy supernate from thawed frozen foods sprayed onto the colonies can encourage feeding responses.

Propagation:Propagation of the Purple Stylophora Coral is commonly achieved through aquaculture due to its adaptability for captive breeding. This coral species exhibits a unique reproduction method called polyp bailout, where individual polyps detach from the base skeleton to form new colonies elsewhere on the reef. Starting with frags and allowing them to grow in a specific reef setup is recommended to prevent stress-related issues in larger colonies.

Localization & Habitat:The Purple Stylophora Coral is native to the Indo-Pacific region, specifically found in the islands of Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. In the wild, this coral thrives in reef environments with moderate to strong water flow and varying lighting intensities. Adaptable to different reef conditions, the Purple Stylophora Coral contributes to reef-building productivity and structure in its natural habitat.


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