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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Stellar Stylophora Coral, also known as Cat's Paw, Club Finger, Cluster, or Brush coral, is a small polyp stony (SPS) coral characterized by rounded branches with blunt ends. It boasts a highly variable base coloration that ranges from pink to intense red, with additional hues of purple, fuchsia, and peach. The polyps of this coral shimmer in electric blue to green, adding to its visual appeal.

Demands and Hardiness

Stylophora Corals are relatively moderate in terms of care requirements. They can thrive in various lighting conditions, including power compacts, T-5s, powerful LEDs, and even more intense metal halides. The coral satisfies most of its nutritional needs through photosynthetic processes with symbiotic zooxanthellae algae, though it can benefit from feeding on micro-plankton or filter-feeding invertebrate foods. These corals prefer moderate to high lighting and strong water flow, similar to their natural habitat in strong surge zones.


For optimal coloration and growth, it is recommended to provide the Stellar Stylophora Coral with high lighting. While they can tolerate lower light levels, brighter lighting conditions tend to enhance their vibrant pigmentation. Acclimation might be necessary when transitioning the coral to intense lighting sources like metal halides or LEDs.

Water Flow

Strong water movement is essential for the Stellar Stylophora Coral's health, as it mimics the natural surge zones where these corals are commonly found in the wild. Ensuring adequate water flow aids in nutrient distribution, waste removal, and polyp extension for the coral.


The Stellar Stylophora Coral primarily feeds on the smallest of food particles, such as Phytoplankton and Zooplankton ranging from 20um to 1mm. Feeding with liquid and powdery foods is recommended, even if it may not be visibly consuming the food. Using the cloudy supernate from thawed frozen food and targeting the coral colonies with a turkey baster can facilitate feeding.


The Stylophora Coral genus, including the Stellar Stylophora, is well-suited for propagation in captivity. They can reproduce effectively through polyp bailout, where individual polyps detach from the base skeleton and form new colonies elsewhere. It is advisable to start with coral frags to acclimate them to a specific reef setup rather than introducing large colonies that may face challenges adapting.

Localization & Habitat

These corals are native to the Indo-Pacific region, specifically found on islands such as Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. In the wild, Pocillopora corals contribute significantly to reef building, making up a considerable portion of the reef structure. Their adaptable nature allows them to thrive in various light and flow conditions, making them versatile additions to reef aquariums.


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