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Care DescriptionBird’s Nest Corals are some of the fastest growing SPS corals. They benefit from strong flow however their lighting requirements vary from colony to colony. In our experience, the pink varieties enjoy higher lighting conditions than the others. The yellow bird’s nest actually prefers subdued lighting. Once settled in, these corals take on incredible colors and can be propagated sustainably. Please see below for additional care tips for Seriatopora Bird’s Nest Corals.
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description: Seriatopora, particularly the Bird of Paradise color morph, is a highly sought-after species known for its vibrant multi-color appearance. Bird's Nest Corals, belonging to the family Seriatopora, are some of the fastest-growing SPS corals, showcasing incredible colors once settled.

Demands and Hardiness: Bird's Nest Corals, like the Seriatopora Bird of Paradise, thrive with strong water flow, especially as they grow larger, requiring increased flow to reach the polyps at the colony's center. Although lighting preferences vary among different color varieties, with pink ones favoring higher lighting conditions and yellow specimens thriving in subdued lighting, these corals generally exhibit hardy characteristics once acclimated.

Lighting: Seriatopora corals, such as the Bird of Paradise Seriatopora, can tolerate a wide range of lighting intensities; however, their appearance significantly changes based on the light spectrum and intensity. Generally, higher lighting results in a lighter appearance of the corals, though aesthetic preferences may vary.

Water Flow: The Bird of Paradise Seriatopora and other Seriatopora species benefit from strong water movement, with larger colonies requiring more flow to ensure adequate polyp extension, enhancing their health and vitality.

Feeding: Seriatopora corals primarily rely on the products produced by their zooxanthellae for nutrition. They may also feed on phytoplankton and similarly sized microfauna present in the water column. Liquid and powdery foods containing Phytoplankton and Zooplankton particles within the range of 20um to 1mm are suitable for their feeding requirements.

Propagation: Seriatopora corals are notably suitable for propagation and aquaculture efforts, making them excellent candidates for sustainable harvesting practices. Despite being brittle and prone to breakage during shipping, broken fragments can be easily re-glued to form new colonies, contributing to the conservation and proliferation of this species.

Localization & Habitat: Indigenous to the Indo-Pacific region, Seriatopora corals, including the Bird of Paradise variety, are commonly found in the islands such as Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef, thriving in the diverse marine ecosystems of these locales.


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