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Care DescriptionBird’s Nest Corals are some of the fastest growing SPS corals. They benefit from strong flow however their lighting requirements vary from colony to colony. In our experience, the pink varieties enjoy higher lighting conditions than the others. The yellow bird’s nest actually prefers subdued lighting. Once settled in, these corals take on incredible colors and can be propagated sustainably. Please see below for additional care tips for Seriatopora Bird’s Nest Corals.
Water FlowStrong
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Blue Zing Bird's Nest Seriatopora is a captivating coral species resulting from a rare captive spawning event. This particular variant showcases a striking light green and blue color gradient in its polyps, coupled with a unique mixed growth pattern inherited from its Yellow Bird's Nest and Bird of Paradise parents. The color gradients can become even more pronounced under varying or higher lighting conditions, with ongoing testing to explore this potential.

Demands and Hardiness

Bird's Nest Corals, specifically the Seriatopora genus, are known for their rapid growth rate and benefit significantly from strong water flow. These corals have varying lighting requirements depending on the colony variety, with pink variants thriving under higher lighting compared to others. The yellow Bird's Nest variety, in contrast, prefers subdued lighting conditions. Once acclimated, Bird's Nest corals display vibrant colors and are sustainable when propagated.


Seriatopora corals can adapt to a wide range of lighting intensities and spectrums, leading to changes in their appearance. While preferences for lighting intensity and spectrum may vary based on personal aesthetic choices, corals under higher lighting typically exhibit lighter appearances.

Water Flow

For optimal growth and health, Seriatopora corals require strong water movement. As the colonies grow larger, increased water flow becomes essential to ensure the polyps at the center of the coral receive adequate nutrients and oxygen.


These corals heavily rely on the products produced by their zooxanthellae, while also feeding on phytoplankton and similarly sized microfauna present in the water column. Suitable food options for Seriatopora include liquid and powdery foods rich in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in particle sizes ranging from 20um to 1mm.


The Seriatopora genus has been extensively propagated in captivity and is considered an excellent candidate for aquaculture. Sustainable harvesting practices have shown promise, with broken fragments easily re-glued to form new colonies. Although brittle, Seriatopora corals demonstrate resilience during shipping and propagation processes.

Localization & Habitat

Originating from the Indo-Pacific region, the Blue Zing Bird's Nest Seriatopora is commonly found in the islands of Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. This species thrives in the diverse marine ecosystems of these regions, contributing to the rich biodiversity of the Indo-Pacific coral reefs.


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