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Care DescriptionStylocoeniella are an encrusting stony coral that has features similar to small polyp stony corals such as Montipora but also bear some similarities to the small polyp varieties of Goniopora depending on how extended the polyps are. It does have a common name, that being “thorn coral” because they often host these wormlike critters whose tubes extend out from the colony making it look like a thorny ball. Please see below for more care tips.
Water FlowLow - Moderate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Looney Tunes Stylocoeniella, a type of encrusting stony coral, boasts vibrant colors with a blue base and striking orange, green, and yellow polyps adorned with blue mouths. Known as the "thorn coral," it often hosts wormlike critters with tubes extending from the colony, resembling a thorny ball. This coral shares characteristics with small polyp stony corals like Montipora and Goniopora, depending on the extension of its polyps.

Demands and Hardiness (setup)

Stylocoeniella thrives in low to medium light conditions, typically around 50 to 100 PAR, although brighter lighting may enhance coloration, albeit with caution to prevent coral bleaching. Moderate water flow is ideal for keeping the coral clean and preventing detritus buildup, aiding in its overall health. It prefers liquid and powdery foods, feeding on Phytoplankton and Zooplankton particles ranging from 20um to 1mm. While not aggressive feeders, occasional spot feeding with amino acids, small zooplankton, or fish presence for nitrogen is beneficial.


Stylocoeniella does well under low to moderate lighting, with experiments suggesting potential color enhancement under brighter conditions. However, sudden exposure to intense light can risk coral burns and bleaching, necessitating a gradual transition to assess the coral's response and relocating it to dimmer settings if needed promptly.

Water Flow

To thrive, Stylocoeniella appreciates low to medium water flow, which helps in detritus management and enables the extension of its polyps. Lower flow conditions allow the coral to capture food efficiently, preventing starvation despite its small polyp size. Adjusting flow patterns periodically can aid in maintaining a healthy environment for the coral.


Feeding primarily on Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, Stylocoeniella benefits from spot feeding with suitable food sources like amino acids and small zooplankton, although it is not an aggressive feeder. Ensuring that the colony receives a balanced diet aids in its growth and vitality, similar to caring for other small polyp stony corals in a reef tank setting.


Recognized for its successful propagation in captivity, Stylocoeniella is deemed suitable for aquaculture, implying the potential for sustainable harvesting practices in the future. Its adaptability to controlled environments presents opportunities for conservation and increased availability within the hobbyist coral market.

Localization & Habitat

These corals are native to regions such as Indonesia and Australia, though they are not extensively imported. Initially rare in the market, Stylocoeniella's ease of propagation has increased its commercial availability, paving the way for diverse color morphs as interest grows in exploring and showcasing new variants of this captivating coral species.


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