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Care DescriptionStylocoeniella are an encrusting stony coral that has features similar to small polyp stony corals such as Montipora but also bear some similarities to the small polyp varieties of Goniopora depending on how extended the polyps are. It does have a common name, that being “thorn coral” because they often host these wormlike critters whose tubes extend out from the colony making it look like a thorny ball. Please see below for more care tips.
Water FlowLow - Moderate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

Stylocoeniella, also known as "thorn coral," is an encrusting stony coral that shares similarities with small polyp stony corals like Montipora and Goniopora, particularly in the extension of its polyps. These corals often host wormlike critters with tubes extending from the colony, giving them a thorny appearance.

Demands and Hardiness

Neon Green Stylocoeniella thrives best in high light and moderate water flow conditions, promoting optimal polyp extension and growth form. They are known to feed on Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, requiring only liquid and powdery foods ranging from 20um to 1mm in particle size. Despite being relatively passive feeders, providing amino acids, small zooplankton, or indirectly feeding through fish presence supports their nutrition needs. They grow rapidly without rigorous direct feeding attention.


These corals prefer low to moderate light conditions, ideally around 50 to 100 PAR. While brighter light may enhance coloration, intense lighting risks coral bleaching. Experimenting with light intensities requires caution to prevent damage.

Water Flow

Stylocoeniella thrives in low to medium water flow settings. Adequate flow helps prevent detritus accumulation that can harm the coral, while periodic low flow aids in polyp extension and feeding opportunities. Strong flow restricts polyp extension and may hinder food capture, making balanced flow crucial for their well-being.


Suitable for target feeding with appropriate food types, Stylocoeniella benefits from proactive feeding approaches, although they are not aggressive feeders. Amino acids, small zooplankton, and fish presence as a nitrogen source support their dietary requirements, similar to caring for other small polyp stony corals.


Stylocoeniella has been successfully propagated in captivity, demonstrating potential for aquaculture and sustainable harvest practices. Their ease of propagation has contributed to their increased availability in the market.

Localization & Habitat

Native to regions such as Indonesia and Australia, Stylocoeniella was initially rare in the aquarium trade but has become more accessible due to easy propagation. Though currently limited in color variants, ongoing discoveries may lead to increased diversity in the future.


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