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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowModerate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge, belonging to the Thorectidae family and species Collospongia sp., is an eye-catching aquatic organism cultivated for aquarium enthusiasts seeking unique and striking additions to their tank. Boasting vibrant red & blue hues with an iridescent metallic sheen, this sponge exhibits a growth pattern resembling plating Montipora coral, adding distinctiveness to any display.

Demands and Hardiness

To ensure the well-being of the Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge, it is crucial to maintain a submerged environment at all times, as exposure to air can lead to detrimental air bubble entrapment within the sponge's channels. Thriving best within a mature aquarium featuring live rock and a continuous supply of varied natural foods, moderate indirect water flow is imperative to prevent debris accumulation and inhibit algae or cyanobacteria growth. This sponge can flourish under moderate lighting from T-5s, potent LEDs, or intense metal halides.


Moderate lighting conditions are optimal for the Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge, achieved through T-5 fixtures, high-intensity LEDs, or metal halide lamps, facilitating photosynthesis and promoting growth.

Water Flow

Maintaining a moderate water flow in the tank is essential for the Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge, as it prevents debris buildup and algae/cyanobacteria growth, ensuring the sponge remains healthy and free from potential harm.


Primarily sustaining itself through photosynthetic symbionts within its body, this sponge benefits from occasional supplemental feedings consisting of micro-plankton or specialized filter-feeding invertebrate foods to enhance its nutritional intake.


The Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge can grow rapidly under ideal conditions, necessitating sufficient space within a mixed reef aquarium to prevent overcrowding or shading of neighboring corals.

Localization & Habitat

Found in nature in areas with suitable conditions for filter-feeding marine organisms, the Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge thrives in reef environments with ample water movement, diverse natural food sources, and moderate lighting, contributing a unique aesthetic and biological presence to the ecosystem.


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