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Care DescriptionXenia are one of the few corals that have a constant pulsing motion. It makes them one of the most eye-catching corals in a reef tank. The purpose of their pulsing behavior is not well understood but the prevailing sentiment is the corals pulse to increase flow around the colony and maximize surface area for photosynthesis. Xenia are also one of the fastest growing soft corals making them a great coral for beginners on one hand but opening up the possibility of rapid infestation on the other. Despite their growth rate issues, they remain one of the most popular corals amongst reef aquarists in the hobby. Please see below for additional care tips for Xenia.
Water FlowLow
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.026
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description: Xenia corals, specifically the Red Sea Pulsing Xenia, are known for their unique pulsing motion within a reef tank, captivating aquarists with their constant movement and vibrant presence. This characteristic behavior sets them apart from other corals, making them a popular choice among hobbyists.

Demands and Hardiness: Xenia is considered one of the fastest-growing soft corals, making it suitable for beginners, yet its rapid growth can lead to potential infestation issues in the tank. These corals benefit from a stable and nutrient-rich environment to thrive, requiring careful monitoring to prevent overgrowth.

Lighting: Xenia exhibits adaptability to a wide range of lighting conditions, ranging from low to high intensity. It is recommended to acclimate the corals gradually to intense lighting by initially placing them in lower light areas to facilitate adjustment.

Water Flow: Low water movement is ideal for Xenia corals, as their pulsing motion serves as a mechanism to enhance water circulation around the colony. Increased water flow can diminish the natural pulsing behavior of the corals, impacting their overall health.

Feeding: While Xenia does not actively "feed" on specific sources, it derives a significant portion of its energy from the products generated by its zooxanthellae. These corals passively absorb dissolved organics, primarily Phytoplankton and Zooplankton, from the water column, requiring liquid and powdery foods for sustenance.

Propagation: Xenia has been successfully propagated in captivity, making it an excellent candidate for aquaculture practices. With continued efforts, a sustainable harvest of Xenia corals can be achieved over time, reducing the reliance on wild populations.

Localization & Habitat: Originating from the Indo-Pacific region, Xenia corals can be found in various island locations such as Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Their natural habitat includes reef environments with suitable conditions for growth, contributing to their widespread popularity among reef aquarists.


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