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Care DescriptionModerate
Water FlowModerate
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Specific Gravity1.023-1.025
Carbonate Hardness8-12

General Description

The Blue Cespitularia Coral, also known as Blue Xenia, is highly coveted in the aquarium hobby for its strikingly vibrant blue polyps that add a captivating allure to any aquascape. Belonging to the Xeniidae family, this soft coral hosts symbiotic zooxanthellae algae within its body, relying on them for a significant portion of its nutritional needs. Careful placement of the Blue Cespitularia within the aquarium can help enhance its growth and overall appearance.

Demands and Hardiness

Thriving under moderate care conditions, the Blue Cespitularia benefits from a well-rounded diet comprising liquid and powdery foods suitable for filter feeders, with a preference for phytoplankton and zooplankton particles ranging from 20um to 1mm in size. In terms of lighting, this coral exhibits adaptability to various lighting fixtures like VHO, T-5, compact fluorescent, or lower wattage metal halide lighting, with coloration varying based on light intensity. Moderate water flow, achieved through power heads or additional pumps, is recommended to promote optimal growth.


Being moderately light-demanding, the Blue Cespitularia responds well to a broad spectrum of lighting options, although it showcases distinctive color changes based on light levels. Adjusting the coral's position within the tank and acclimating it gradually to intense lighting can help maintain its health and vibrant appearance. Seasonal variations in light intensity can also influence the colony's coloration, with summer light resulting in a light blue hue and winter light creating a purple and blue two-tone effect.

Water Flow

To support the growth and well-being of the Blue Cespitularia Coral, moderate to high water movement is recommended within the aquarium. Supplemental water movement devices such as powerheads can help recreate the natural flow patterns experienced by this coral in its native habitat, facilitating nutrient uptake and waste removal. Ensuring proper water flow ensures optimal conditions for the Blue Cespitularia to flourish and thrive.


This coral primarily feeds on phytoplankton and zooplankton, benefiting from regular supplementation of liquid and powdery foods designed for filter feeders. Recent observations suggest that spot feeding the Blue Cespitularia with specialized foods can enhance its response and overall health. Incorporating a varied diet rich in essential nutrients is crucial for promoting growth and color development in this captivating coral species.


Cultivated extensively in captivity, the Blue Cespitularia is considered an excellent candidate for aquaculture and sustainable harvesting efforts. Despite challenges related to transportation, ongoing propagation initiatives aim to ensure a stable supply of this coral species for hobbyists. With proper care and propagation practices, the Blue Cespitularia Coral can thrive in a controlled aquatic environment, contributing to conservation efforts and reducing pressure on wild reef ecosystems.

Localization & Habitat

Naturally distributed across the Indopacific islands, including regions like Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the renowned Great Barrier Reef, the Blue Cespitularia Coral is commonly found in Australian waters. Through propagation efforts, aquacultured specimens of this species are prevalent in the hobby, highlighting the potential for sustainable cultivation and reduced dependence on wild-harvested corals. By replicating its native habitat conditions, aquarists can create a thriving environment for the Blue Cespitularia Coral within their reef tanks.


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