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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size3.5cm / 1.38inches
Temperature16.5°C / 61.70°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

The Akysis Maculipinnis, a member of the Akysidae family, is a small catfish species with distinguishing characteristics including a mottled body pattern, serrae on the pectoral fin spine, and an emarginate caudal fin. It falls within the Siluriformes classification order and reaches a maximum size of 3.5cm. These nocturnal micropredators primarily feed on small aquatic crustaceans, worms, and zooplankton and are known to be relatively picky eaters in aquarium settings.

Aquarium Setup

To create a suitable environment for the Akysis Maculipinnis, a soft sandy substrate is recommended as they spend time buried or partially buried. Providing crevices between rockwork and surfaces, water-worn rocks, driftwood, and branches for hiding and exploration is advised. Addition of aquatic plants like Microsorum and Anubias, or moss species attached to rocks and wood, along with leaf litter from beech, oak, or Ketapang leaves can enhance the setup. Clean, well-oxygenated water with regular 30-50% weekly water changes is crucial for their well-being.


Akysis Maculipinnis are non-aggressive towards conspecifics, making them suitable for group or solitary keeping. They should not be housed with larger or aggressive species and are compatible with miniature schooling cyprinids, smaller Danio and Rasbora species, small catfish species, and certain loaches. They exhibit nocturnal feeding behavior and may require time to accept dried foods, preferring live or frozen fare such as Artemia, Daphnia, bloodworms, or glassworms.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Akysis species feed on small aquatic organisms. In captivity, they may initially refuse dried foods, necessitating a diet of small live or frozen options like Artemia and Daphnia. Feeding after dark mimics their natural feeding behavior. Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule is essential once they have acclimated to tank life.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Akysis Maculipinnis spawn above the substrate in flowing water and exhibit no parental care. They are known to consume their eggs, necessitating protective measures for successful fry rearing. Sexual dimorphism is observed in gravid females, which appear heavier-bodied with visible eggs, while males display unique anatomical differences, including genital papilla morphology.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in swiftly-flowing streams and rivers with sand, gravel, and rocky substrates, Akysis Maculipinnis is native to areas like Chanthaburi Province in eastern Thailand and southwestern Cambodia. Transparent to slightly turbid water, absence of aquatic plants, and presence of leaf litter or submerged structures characterize their natural habitats. The species prefers well-oxygenated, clean water with minimal organic pollutants for optimal health.


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