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Minimum Tank Size108 litres / 28.53 US gallons
Maximum Size14.0cm / 5.51inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

Formerly known as Peckoltia pulcher, the Butterfly Plec, also identified as the pretty peckoltia or chameleon plec, closely resembles the Rio Orinoco species L052. This species is known for its ability to change color depending on its surroundings and has a distinct nighttime coloration. Belonging to the Dekeyseria Brachyura species, it is a member of the Loricariidae family under Ancistrinae subfamily. Typically growing up to 14.0cm, it is a visually appealing fish species.

Aquarium Setup

The Butterfly Plec thrives in a well-aerated environment with a high degree of water movement. For tank setup, it is crucial to provide ample cover such as driftwood, roots, branches, and optional additions like smooth rocks and plants. It is essential to avoid cool or poorly-oxygenated water conditions for the species to thrive (see table for specific water parameters).


This species is a suitable choice for a community tank setup. In a biotope arrangement, ideal tankmates include various characins, reophilic cichlids like Retroculus or African Steatocranus, and Loricariids with similar habitat requirements. It can also adapt to a general community setup if the water is well-aerated.

Feeding and Diet

Primarily herbivorous, the Butterfly Plec's diet should consist mainly of vegetable matter in fresh (e.g., cucumber slices, blanched spinach) and dried forms (e.g., algae wafers, spirulina tablets). Additionally, it accepts small live and frozen foods like bloodworms or daphnia, which can be offered regularly.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of the Butterfly Plec is achievable in captivity with the right conditions. Soft, acidic water and the presence of numerous caves and hiding spots are essential for breeding. The male guards the laid eggs within a chosen cave, caring for them until they hatch. Mature males exhibit longer odontotes on the nose and pectoral spines compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Butterfly Plec is found in the Rio Negro, Brazil, inhabiting flowing streams and tributaries with water stained tea-colored from decaying organic matter. The species' natural habitat reflects its preference for well-oxygenated water with specific water conditions (see table).


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