Fresh Water
Homalopteroides Smithi

Homalopteroides Smithi

Cypriniformes Print

Family: Balitoridae
Synonym Names: Homaloptera lineata Smith, Homaloptera smithi Hora, Homaloptera maxinae Fowler, Homaloptera indochinensis Silas
Classification Order: Cypriniformes

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size6.0cm / 2.36inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 25.5°C / 77.90°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Homalopteroides Smithi, commonly known as the Homalopteroides loach, is a well-known member of the Balitoridae family. This species is distinguishable by features such as 6 'saddles' on the dorsal surface, 37-39 lateral line scales, 4-6 simple and 11-12 branched pectoral-fin rays, and pectoral fins that extend well beyond the pelvic-fin insertion.

Aquarium Setup

For the optimal care of Homalopteroides Smithi, a tank of at least 60 litres with clean and well-oxygenated water is recommended. The setup should include gravel or sand substrate, water-worn rocks, pebbles of varying sizes, and driftwood roots. Addition of aquatic plants like Microsorum, Crinum, and Anubias spp. is beneficial. Stable water conditions are essential, and the use of an oversized filter with a turnover rate of 10-15 times per hour is advised.


Despite not being aggressive, the Homalopteroides loach has specific requirements that limit suitable tankmates. It thrives in groups of six or more, displaying bolder behavior in larger numbers. In captivity, interactions between individuals can be intriguing to observe. Harmless squabbles may occur with certain tankmates, so research and careful selection are necessary.

Feeding and Diet

Homalopteroides Smithi is a specialized micropredator that feeds on small crustaceans, insect larvae, and other invertebrates. While they may accept sinking dried foods, a diet of live or frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworm is crucial for their health. Initial emaciation upon purchase is possible, requiring a consistent and easily sourced food supply to aid recovery.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Limited information is available on the reproductive behavior of this species in aquaria. Sexually mature females tend to be slightly larger and fuller-bodied compared to males.

Habitat and Distribution

The Homalopteroides loach is native to swiftly-flowing streams and headwaters with clear, oxygen-rich water in southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, and parts of the Mekong basin. It prefers habitats with substrates of gravel, rocks, and biofilm-covered surfaces, occasionally with aquatic plants present. Found in aggregations in nature, it coexists with various fish species in its endemic ranges.


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