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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size6.7cm / 2.64inches
Temperature18.9°C / 66.02°F - 23.9°C / 75.02°F

General Description

Pseudogastromyzon Laticeps, a member of the Balitoridae family, possesses specialized morphology for life in fast-flowing water, featuring horizontally oriented paired fins and a flattened body enabling it to cling tightly to surfaces by a powerful sucking cup. This species appears to have reddish dorsal and caudal fins and is endemic to the Longjin river drainage in southeastern China.

Aquarium Setup

To house Pseudogastromyzon Laticeps adequately, a minimum tank size of 70 litres is recommended, with clean and well-oxygenated water exceeding 10 times turnover per hour. The setup should include a substrate of gravel or sand, rocks, pebbles, and aged driftwood to mimic its natural habitat. Strong lighting to promote algae growth is essential, and hardy aquatic plants like Java fern and Anubias spp. can be incorporated.


These loaches exhibit a tendency for loose aggregations in the aquarium, thriving best in groups of six or more. Males are typically bolder than females and tend to establish small territories around favorable feeding spots, which they defend against conspecific males and similar-looking species.

Feeding and Diet

Pseudogastromyzon Laticeps are specialized biofilm grazers, consuming filamentous Cyanobacteria, diatoms, and microinvertebrates in their natural habitat. In captivity, a diet comprising live or frozen Daphnia, Artemia, bloodworms, along with some sinking dried foods, is essential for their health. Adequate algae growth must be maintained in the tank for their continual grazing.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding in aquaria has been observed in congeneric species, with dominant males constructing nests in the substrate for egg laying by females. Sexually mature females are larger with less-contrasting body markings compared to males, who develop head tubercules upon reaching maturity, more pronounced in dominant individuals.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in mountain streams within the Longjin river drainage in Guangdong province, southeastern China, Pseudogastromyzon Laticeps typically inhabits fast-flowing, oxygen-rich waters with rocky substrates and abundant biofilm growth. Sympatric species include Pseudobagrus trilineatus and Rhinogobius zhoui in these habitats.


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