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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size4.5cm / 1.77inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 26°C / 78.80°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 20.00dgH / 357ppm

General Description

The Aphyocharax Rathbuni, commonly known as the Redflank Bloodfin or Green Fire Tetra, belongs to the Characidae family. They are relatively small in size, reaching up to 4.5cm. Endemic to the Paraguay, Paraná, and Uruguay river drainages in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay, these tetras inhabit streams, rivers, and tributaries, particularly in areas shaded by floating or overhanging vegetation.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, it is recommended to keep a group of at least 6 Redflank Bloodfins in a well-planted aquarium with sandy substrate. Decoration with bogwood, roots, and pebbles can enhance their environment. Lighting requirements are not critical, but they appreciate moderate water flow. The water conditions should have a pH range of 6.5-7.5, hardness of 36-357ppm, and a temperature between 20-26°C (see table).


Redflank Bloodfins are suitable for a community aquarium, but caution is advised when selecting tankmates. They have a tendency to nip fins and should not be housed with long-finned species like many cichlids and anabantoids. Choosing robust, faster-moving fish is recommended to prevent aggression.

Feeding and Diet

In captivity, Redflank Bloodfins are not picky eaters and will readily accept most aquarium foods. It's beneficial to offer live or frozen foods regularly to ensure a balanced diet for these tetras.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Redflank Bloodfins is not difficult as they are group-spawning egg-scatterers. A breeding tank with specific conditions, such as soft water and pH around 6.5, is necessary. Females become noticeably plump when ready to breed. Spawning typically occurs within 24 hours in a well-planted tank, with eggs hatching in 2-3 days. Sexual dimorphism is evident as females are fuller-bodied in spawning condition.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Redflank Bloodfins prefer streams, rivers, and tributaries shaded by vegetation in the Paraguay, Paraná, and Uruguay river drainages across Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay.


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