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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size4.0cm / 1.57inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Dash-Dot Tetra, scientifically known as Hemigrammus Belottii, is not commonly found in the aquarium trade and is often imported incidentally among more popular species. Belonging to the Characidae family, these tetras are small in size, reaching a maximum of 4.0cm. The taxonomic status of this species is currently uncertain, with the genus Hemigrammus encompassing over 70 small characin species, indicating a need for taxonomic revision.

Aquarium Setup

To create an ideal aquarium environment for the Dash-Dot Tetra, a recommended tank size of at least 70 litres is advised. A biotope setup mimicking its natural habitat involves river sand substrate, driftwood branches, twisted roots, and dried leaves to stain the water a tea-like hue. Adding an aquarium-safe peat-filled net bag to the filter can simulate black water conditions. Alternatively, a heavily planted tank will also suit this species. It is important to maintain dim lighting to replicate its natural habitat. For detailed water conditions, refer to the table provided.


This tetra species is known for its peaceful temperament and thrives when kept in a community of South American fish species like other Hemigrammus or Hyphessobrycon tetras, pencil fish, and small dwarf cichlids. To ensure their well-being, it is recommended to keep them in groups of 6 or more as they are shoaling by nature and display more effectively in larger numbers. They do not fare well with boisterous or significantly larger tankmates.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Dash-Dot Tetras primarily feed on small invertebrates. In the aquarium, they are not picky eaters and can be fed a diet consisting of a mix of dried flakes, granules, along with small live and frozen foods. Providing a varied diet is essential for their overall health and vitality.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Dash-Dot Tetras can be achieved in a separate breeding tank set up with dim lighting and suitable spawning substrates. They can be bred in groups or pairs with proper conditioning and removal of adults to prevent them from consuming the eggs. The fry require special care in terms of feeding and light exposure during the initial stages of life. Adult males are typically slimmer and slightly smaller compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Dash-Dot Tetras are native to the rivers and tributaries of the Rio Solimoes, Negro, and Maroni basins in regions of French Guiana and Brazil. They thrive in soft and acidic waters with slightly warmer temperatures ranging from 23-27°C and a pH level of 6.0-7.0. They are best suited for setups that replicate their natural habitat to ensure their well-being and natural behaviors.


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