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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size4.0cm / 1.57inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F


The Glowlight Tetra is lively, colorful, and peaceful, making it an excellent addition to a community aquarium setup. It is compatible with various fish species such as livebearers, danios, rasboras, other tetras, peaceful bottom dwellers like Corydoras, and smaller Loricariids. Avoid keeping it with larger species that might consider it prey, such as angelfish. Ideally, maintain a group of at least 6 tetras, preferably 10 or more, as they are shoaling by nature and flourish in the company of their own kind.

Feeding and Diet:

The Glowlight Tetras are easy to feed, accepting a wide range of food offered. To maintain optimal condition and vibrant colors, provide them with a diet consisting of small live and frozen foods like bloodworms, Daphnia, and brine shrimp, supplemented with dried flakes and granules.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:

Breeding Glowlight Tetras can be easily achieved in a separate breeding tank. The process involves dimly lit conditions and the addition of fine-leaved plants like java moss for egg deposition. Alternatively, a mesh at the tank's base can be used to protect the eggs. Breeding pairs or groups can be conditioned with live foods for successful spawning. Mature females are slightly larger and more rounded in the belly compared to males.

Habitat and Distribution:

This species, Hemigrammus Erythrozonus, is native to the Rio Essequibo in Guyana. They are primarily found in forested areas and tributaries off the main river channel, where the water is dark brown and acidic due to decaying organic material. While wild specimens are not commonly available for sale, captive-bred Glowlight Tetras originate from commercial farms worldwide, with many in the UK sourced from Eastern Europe.

Aquarium Setup:

When setting up an aquarium for Glowlight Tetras, consider a heavily planted tank for an optimal display. These tetras thrive in environments resembling their natural habitat. A biotope tank with river sand, driftwood, dried leaves, and a net bag of aquarium-safe peat in the filter can simulate their preferred blackwater conditions. Dim lighting further enhances their appearance, showcasing their true beauty.

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