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Minimum Tank Size85 litres / 22.45 US gallons
Maximum Size12.5cm / 4.92inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Three-Spot Headstander, scientifically known as Pseudanos Trimaculatus, was previously recognized as Anostomus trimaculatus before its name became invalid. Belonging to the Anostomidae family, this species can grow up to 12.5cm and is predominantly herbivorous, although it displays omnivorous tendencies. Native to Peru, Brazil, and Guyana, it thrives in deeper waters in small shoals.

Aquarium Setup

For proper care, an aquarium with a minimum size of 85 liters is required, with specific water conditions such as a pH range of 6.0-7.5, a water temperature of 23-27°C, and water hardness between 1-18°dH. The recommended tank setup includes a sandy substrate with driftwood roots and branches. Keeping in mind this fish's tendency to jump, a secure cover is essential. In a biotope aquarium, encourage algal growth and ensure a strong water flow. Soft-leaved plants are not suitable as they are consumed by the Three-Spot Headstander.


When housed in small numbers, this species exhibits aggression towards its counterparts. To mitigate this behavior, maintaining a group of six or more in larger aquariums is advisable. Alternatively, keeping a single specimen in a community of medium to large fish, such as certain characins, peaceful Cichlids, or Corydoras, can also be suitable. Caution should be exercised with long-finned or slow-moving species as the Three-Spot Headstander may nip at them.

Feeding and Diet

While the Three-Spot Headstander is primarily a herbivore, it accepts a variety of foods as part of its omnivorous diet. Offer a mix of live and frozen foods along with ample vegetable matter like blanched spinach, lettuce, cucumber, courgette, and algae wafers to ensure proper nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of the Three-Spot Headstander has not been observed in aquarium settings, and sexual dimorphism remains unknown at this time.

Habitat and Distribution

In its natural habitat, the Three-Spot Headstander thrives in small shoals in the waters of Peru, Brazil, and Guyana. It is typically found in deeper water environments, emphasizing the importance of replicating similar conditions in captivity.


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