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Minimum Tank Size793 litres / 209.49 US gallons
Maximum Size30.5cm / 12.01inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 29°C / 84.20°F

General Description

Cichlasoma Festae, commonly known as the Red Terror, is a formidable and striking fish species within the Cichlidae family. With a maximum size reaching 30.5cm, this species requires a large tank size of a minimum of 793 liters due to its territorial and aggressive nature. The Red Terror is omnivorous, with a main diet consisting of benthic aquatic crustaceans, invertebrates, fry of other fish, fruits, seeds, and various high-quality cichlid pellets.

Aquarium Setup

Creating an appropriate setup for the Red Terror involves providing ample swimming space while ensuring cover with stable rocks and wood pieces. Due to their digging tendency, live plants may not survive long, but floating plants or those anchored to rock or wood are suitable options. Water conditions should be maintained within a hardness of 4-18°dH, a pH range of 6.0-8.0, and a temperature between 25-29°C.


This species is highly territorial and can exhibit aggressive behavior, particularly towards smaller fish that can fit into its large mouth. Red Terrors should only be housed with similarly sized and robust fish to prevent aggression and potential harm to other tank mates.

Feeding and Diet

Red Terrors are known to accept a wide range of foods, but a staple diet of large carnivorous cichlid pellets is ideal. Regular offerings of large live and frozen foods such as earthworms and mealworms are recommended to supplement their diet and maintain optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During reproduction, Red Terrors are cave brooders, laying up to 3000 eggs in sheltered areas within the tank. After hatching, fry will be guarded by the parents, with the female typically retaining her vivid red coloration with black bands while males grow larger in size.

Habitat and Distribution

Originating from Ecuador and Peru, with an introduced population in Singapore, the Red Terror is adaptable to various river and tributary habitats. Commonly found in rivers such as the Rio Esmeraldas in Ecuador and the Rio Tumbes in Peru, this species thrives in diverse aquatic environments.


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