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Minimum Tank Size864 litres / 228.24 US gallons
Maximum Size42.5cm / 16.73inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description:Members of the genus Herichthys, specifically Herichthys Pearsei, are large cichlids known for their confused taxonomic history and unique coloration patterns. With a maximum size of 42.5cm, these fish require spacious aquariums to thrive. They are almost exclusively vegetarian in their diet, feeding on algae and various plant species in the wild. H. Pearsei are native to coastal waters of eastern Mexico and Guatemala, typically inhabiting vegetated marginal areas in river basins and lakes.

Aquarium Setup:For H. Pearsei, a substrate of gravel or sand, along with large, smooth rocks and boulders for cover, is ideal in an aquarium setup. It's important to note that these cichlids tend to consume any live plants in the tank. A large biological filter is necessary to maintain water quality. Hard water conditions, with a pH range of 7.2-8.5 and a temperature between 24-30°C, must be maintained. The minimum tank size recommended for H. Pearsei is 864 litres.

Behaviour:Despite their large size, Herichthys Pearsei are relatively peaceful and can coexist with larger fish in a community tank setup. Suitable tankmates include large cyprinids, characins, catfish, Loricariids, and other Central American cichlids in very large tanks. It's crucial to consider the hard water requirements when selecting tank companions.

Feeding and Diet:In the wild, H. Pearsei predominantly feed on algae and a variety of aquatic and terrestrial plants, making them almost exclusively vegetarian in their diet. In a home aquarium, it is essential to provide a vegetarian diet rich in plant matter to ensure proper nutrition for these cichlids.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:Limited information is available on the spawning behavior of H. Pearsei, but they are known to be bi-parental substrate spawners. Males of this species grow larger than females, exhibit brighter colors, and develop a higher forehead as they mature. Successful breeding can be achieved in a large tank with hard, alkaline water conditions by raising a group of young fish together to form pairs.

Habitat and Distribution:Herichthys Pearsei are found in river basins, lakes, and occasionally in brackish waters in eastern Mexico and Guatemala. They prefer vegetated marginal areas and are adaptable to various aquatic environments, although long-term survival in brackish conditions is uncertain.


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