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Minimum Tank Size175 litres / 46.23 US gallons
Maximum Size30.0cm / 11.81inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 29°C / 84.20°F

General Description

The Spotted Severum, scientifically known as Heros Notatus, is a rarely seen but attractive member of the severum family, occasionally available through specialist cichlid or South American dealers. This species belongs to the Cichlidae family under the Cichlasomatinae subfamily, with a maximum size reaching 30.0cm.

Aquarium Setup

For the Spotted Severum, a well-planted tank with areas of open swimming space is recommended. It is advisable to use a sand substrate as these fish like to dig, along with decor such as bogwood, branches, and smooth stones. Lighting levels are not critical and can be adjusted based on the plant requirements.


This species is not particularly aggressive, although males may engage in disputes with similar fish. They can be a part of a larger cichlid community or coexist with robust species like larger characins and barbs. However, smaller fish are likely to be viewed as prey and consumed.

Feeding and Diet

Spotted Severums are omnivorous and accept various aquarium foods. A high-quality cichlid pellet should be a staple in their diet, supplemented with bloodworms, brineshrimp, prawns, white fish, algae wafers, or blanched greens for larger individuals. Providing a variety of foods ensures a balanced diet for these fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Limited information is available on breeding Spotted Severums in the hobby. However, it is suggested that their breeding behavior may resemble that of heros severus. Males are larger with more defined reddish markings on the gill covers and longer extensions to the dorsal and anal fins compared to females. During breeding, a pair typically selects a flat stone or excavates a pit, where the female deposits and fertilizes eggs before both parents guard them until hatching.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the Rio Negro basin in Brazil, Spotted Severums inhabit blackwater rivers and tributaries characterized by brown, acidic water stained with tannins from decaying organic matter. They are often found in marginal areas around submerged tree roots and branches, ensuring their natural habitat provides ample hiding spaces and suitable environmental conditions.


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