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Minimum Tank Size212 litres / 56.00 US gallons
Maximum Size30.5cm / 12.01inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

The Parachromis Motaguensis, commonly known as the False Yellowjacket Cichlid, belongs to the Cichlidae family and Cichlasomatinae subfamily. These cichlids are visually stunning, boasting vibrant colors and reaching a maximum size of 30.5cm. Often found in the central flowing parts of rivers, they are aggressive and territorial in nature.

Aquarium Setup

To house the False Yellowjacket Cichlid, a minimum tank size of 212 liters is required. Mimicking their riverine habitat, the aquarium should include fallen trees (replicated with bogwood and driftwood) and rocks. Water conditions should maintain a pH of 6.0-8.0, hardness of 6-16°dH, and a temperature between 20-30°C.


Known for their aggressive tendencies, these cichlids can be hostile towards both conspecifics and other tankmates. When breeding, they become particularly territorial and may harm any fish in their vicinity, regardless of size. They can, however, coexist well with large, aggressive cichlids in a suitable tank setup.

Feeding and Diet

The False Yellowjacket Cichlid is predominantly carnivorous, preying on smaller fish and aquatic invertebrates in their natural habitat. When kept in captivity, they should be provided with a diet rich in meaty foods to meet their nutritional requirements.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During the breeding season, a pair will engage in courtship rituals, with the female laying up to 2000 eggs. Upon hatching, which occurs approximately a week later, the fry's parents become highly protective and territorial, exhibiting aggressive behavior towards any perceived threats. Males can be distinguished by their lighter and slightly greener coloration.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the River Motagua basin in eastern Guatemala and Honduras, the False Yellowjacket Cichlid's range extends from Guatemala to Honduras, encompassing areas around the River Naranjo and River Choluteca. They inhabit various biotopes but are commonly found in lakes and larger streams within the region.


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