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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size30.0cm / 11.81inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

Vieja Fenestrata, a member of the Cichlidae family under the Cichlasomatinae subfamily, is a visually striking fish especially during adulthood. This species is often mistaken for V. synspila but is not commonly found in the UK hobbyist scene. It can reach a maximum size of 30.0cm and is endemic to western Mexico, specifically the rivers Papaloapán and Chachalacas.

Aquarium Setup

The minimum tank size for Vieja Fenestrata is 200 litres. Tank setup is relatively flexible as the fish will rearrange decor to their preference. It is recommended to include rocks, bogwood, and branches in the aquarium, ensuring secure placement to prevent damage. A substrate of sand or fine gravel is suitable, while lighting levels are not critical. Adequate filtration is necessary to maintain water quality.


This species exhibits moderate aggression and can coexist with robust Central American cichlids in a well-structured tank setup offering ample territories. Bonded pairs usually thrive together, but monitoring is essential to prevent female bullying. Success in community tanks is not guaranteed and caution is advised, especially if attempting to mix with other species.

Feeding and Diet

Vieja Fenestrata is primarily herbivorous but also consumes insects, invertebrates, and plant matter. In captivity, a varied diet is recommended, including high-quality cichlid pellets as a staple. Supplementary foods such as prawns, mussels, white fish, spirulina, and algae wafers should be offered to meet nutritional needs.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding this species is not overly challenging. Mated pairs create a spawning site, typically a large stone or cave, where the female lays eggs. The male can display aggression during spawning, but extreme violence warrants female removal. Fry emerge in a few days and should be fed brine shrimp, micro worms, and fry-specific foods. The male develops vibrant colors, a nuchal hump, and elongated dorsal and anal fins, distinguishing it from the female.

Habitat and Distribution

Vieja Fenestrata thrives in clear lakes with sandy or muddy substrates, often near aquatic plants, and can also be found in slow-moving river regions. Its native habitat spans within and between the Papaloapán and Chachalacas rivers in western Mexico. Water conditions should ideally maintain a pH of 7.0, a temperature range of 23-30°C, and a water hardness of 0-15°dH.


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