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Minimum Tank Size213 litres / 56.27 US gallons
Maximum Size25.4cm / 10.00inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Blackbelt Cichlid, scientifically known as Vieja Maculicauda, is characterized by a vertical black stripe along its flank and is renowned for its robust nature and aggressive behavior, especially when guarding its offspring. This striking fish adds color and vibrancy to aggressive cichlid tanks in Central and North America.

Aquarium Setup

Blackbelt Cichlids, with a maximum size of 25.4cm, require a tank of at least 213 litres. They thrive in environments mimicking their natural habitat with a sandy or fine gravel substrate, ample cover provided by wood pieces like mopani, driftwood, or bogwood, and lower lighting conditions possibly aided by floating plants to dim the light (see table for water parameter details).


These cichlids exhibit aggressiveness and should be housed with similarly aggressive and similar-sized tank mates, as they may perceive smaller fish as prey. Their protective instincts are particularly heightened when caring for their fry.

Feeding and Diet

Primarily herbivorous, Blackbelt Cichlids graze on algae, detritus, fruits, nuts, and both aquatic and terrestrial plant material. While herbivorous, a balanced diet with some protein is beneficial for their overall health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Sexually mature at around 15 centimeters or 6 months old, Blackbelt Cichlids spawn 500-600 eggs on a flat rock or stone, fiercely defended by the parents. After hatching in 2-3 days, the fry are moved to spawning pits throughout the tank and become free-swimming a week later. Males display larger size and more vivid coloration, with mature males developing a nuchal hump on their heads.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in western Central America, Blackbelt Cichlids inhabit slow-moving rivers, lakes with muddy or sandy substrates, and areas with submerged branches, tree roots, and dense aquatic vegetation. They also adapt to brackish or marine conditions in certain regions, with their distribution spanning from Guatemala to Panama along the River Chagres.


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