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Minimum Tank Size240 litres / 63.40 US gallons
Maximum Size15.5cm / 6.10inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

The Yellowhump Eartheater, scientifically known as Geophagus Pellegrini, is a rare cichlid in the aquarium trade. Classified under Perciformes, this species is a member of the Geophagus steindachneri group and is distinguishable by its yellowish color pattern. The genus Geophagus underwent redefinition by Kullander in 1986, narrowing it down to species with specific swimbladder characteristics and vertebrae counts. This fish is part of the putative subfamily Geophaginae, which contains several related genera.

Aquarium Setup

For this species, maintaining a suitable aquarium environment is crucial. A minimum tank size of 240 litres is advised. The tank needs soft, sandy substrate to support the natural browsing behavior of the Geophagus Pellegrini. Coarser materials like gravel can impede feeding and harm the fish. Dim lighting, driftwood chunks, roots, and branches can be included for a favorable habitat. Water quality must be closely monitored as these cichlids are sensitive to deteriorating conditions. Over-filtering the tank is recommended, with weekly water changes of 50-70% to maintain stability.


Outside of the breeding period, the Yellowhump Eartheater exhibits peaceful behavior and generally avoids predating on fish larger than a few millimeters in size.

Feeding and Diet

The Geophagus Pellegrini is benthophagous by nature, sifting through substrate for edible items and expelling unwanted material through the gills. In the wild, their diet consists of small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant material, organic detritus, and sediment. In captivity, they should be provided with a varied diet including high-quality prepared foods, small live or frozen options like bloodworms, Tubifex, and Artemia. Offering multiple small meals daily facilitates their natural browsing behavior and contributes to optimum growth and condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During reproduction, the Yellowhump Eartheater is ovophilous and a maternal mouthbrooder, forming weak pair bonds solely for the spawning process. Adult males are larger in size, have longer unpaired fin lobes compared to females, and develop a pronounced nuchal hump as they reach sexual maturity.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to northwestern Colombia, specifically the Río San Juan and the Department of Antioquia, the Geophagus Pellegrini is commonly found in various habitat types including streams with different substrates and vegetation. They coexist with other fish species like Priapichthys, Cichlasoma atromaculatum, and characids.


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