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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description
The Acarichthys Heckelii, commonly known as the Threadfin Acara, is a cichlid species belonging to the Perciformes order. This monotypic genus is characterized by specific anatomical features outlined by Kullander. It inhabits the Amazon basin in countries like Colombia, Peru, and Brazil, with successful introductions noted in Singapore.

Aquarium Setup
For an optimal tank environment, a sandy substrate is recommended, though gravel can also be used despite the species being an incessant digger. Tank setup often includes dim lighting, driftwood, and scattered roots/branches. Water quality maintenance is crucial, with over-filtering using canister filters or a sump system advised. Regular substantial water changes and stable water parameters are essential.

Threadfin Acaras are generally peaceful and compatible with various tankmates sharing similar environmental requirements. However, they should not be housed with aggressive or fin-nipping species. Intraspecific aggression may occur, especially in smaller tanks or groups. Some aquarists have successfully kept them with freshwater stingrays, but caution is needed as predation can occur.

Feeding and Diet
A varied diet comprising live, frozen, and dried foods, including vegetable matter like blanched spinach, is essential for optimal health and coloration. While the species does not sift sand like its relatives, it accepts most foods offered.

Reproduction & Dimorphism
Sexual dimorphism is evident in mature females, who are thicker-bodied than males. Reproduction in the wild involves complex spawning strategies where females compete for territories and males assist in parental care. In captivity, reproducing this behavior is challenging due to aggression. Suitable spawning caves, like upturned flowerpots, can be used with simulated natural conditions to encourage breeding.

Habitat and Distribution
The Threadfin Acara inhabits lowland river basins, with excursions into flooded savannah or forests during the wet season. Native to the northern Amazon basin in countries like Colombia, Peru, and Brazil, it has also been introduced successfully in Singapore. The species prefers stable water conditions with temperatures between 24-30°C and a pH range of 6.0-8.0.


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