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Minimum Tank Size120 litres / 31.70 US gallons
Maximum Size13.0cm / 5.12inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness18-179 ppm, ideally <5º

General Description

The Andinoacara Sp. 'Orinoco' is an apparently undescribed cichlid species previously known as 'Aequidens' sp. 'Orinoco'. It belongs to the Perciformes order, within the Cichlidae family. This species can reach a maximum size of 13.0cm and requires a minimum tank size of 120 litres. It is an omnivorous fish that is relatively easy to feed.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, Andinoacara Sp. 'Orinoco' should have a soft, sandy substrate in the aquarium. Additional preferred tank furnishings include dim lighting, driftwood, scattered roots/branches, and occasionally water-worn rocks for potential spawning sites. Water parameters should ideally range from a pH of 5.5-7.5, hardness of 18-179 ppm (<5°), and a temperature of 24-28°C. Maintaining water quality is crucial, necessitating over-filtration with external canister filters and/or a sump system, along with weekly water changes of 50-70% to prevent health issues.


This cichlid species displays relatively peaceful behavior for its size, but males can be territorial, especially when spawning. Small tankmates may be at risk of predation. Andinoacara Sp. 'Orinoco' can coexist with other cichlids given there is enough space provided in the tank.

Feeding and Diet

Andinoacara Sp. 'Orinoco' is an omnivorous species that readily accepts a diet of sinking dry foods as a staple, supplemented with live or frozen options like bloodworms and Artemia. Maintaining a varied diet is essential for their overall health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

When breeding, this species is a biparental substrate spawner. Breeding can be facilitated by purchasing a group of at least 6 juveniles and raising them together until pairs form. Sexual dimorphism is evident as males grow larger, develop fin extensions, and display brighter colors while in spawning condition.

Habitat and Distribution

Collected from unspecified locations in the Río Orinoco basin, believed to be in Venezuela, Andinoacara Sp. 'Orinoco' likely dwells in various habitats but shows a preference for areas with slow-moving or stagnant water containing well-structured substrates like tree roots and branches. The Río Orinoco region experiences tropical conditions with distinct wet and dry seasons, impacting factors like water flow, depth, and turbidity.


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