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Minimum Tank Size72 litres / 19.02 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Often underestimated due to its juvenile appearance, the African Butterfly Cichlid (Anomalochromis Thomasi) is a great option for beginners in the world of dwarf cichlids. This cichlid portrays peaceful characteristics, except during breeding when it becomes territorial. It is a somewhat timid fish and prefers the company of smaller, less aggressive tankmates such as characins, African dwarf cichlids, Corydoras spp., and smaller anabantoids.

Aquarium Setup

For an African Butterfly Cichlid, a tank setup of at least 72 liters with flat rocks for spawning surfaces and ample hiding spots is required. Clay pot caves, driftwood, and roots can serve as additional shelters. While not mandatory, the inclusion of plants is beneficial for the fish, and this species particularly thrives in a planted tank environment without disturbing the substrate.


This cichlid species is recognized as very tranquil compared to other cichlids, yet it does exhibit territorial behavior when spawning. They are loosely gregarious and are best kept in small groups. Pair formation is usually natural within a group of young fish, and once a pair forms, they will vigorously defend their territory.

Feeding and Diet

The African Butterfly Cichlid is not picky and readily accepts various foods. A balanced diet should consist of high-quality cichlid pellets supplemented with live and frozen foods. Maintaining a diverse diet is key to their optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding the African Butterfly Cichlid is relatively straightforward as they are substrate spawners. To encourage breeding, provide flat stones and broad-leaved plants for potential spawning sites. The female prepares multiple sites, ultimately choosing one for egg-laying, which the male fertilizes. The male guards the eggs, and both parents care for the young until they become free-swimming. Males are larger and less distinctly marked than females, who exhibit a pronounced roundness when carrying eggs.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, the African Butterfly Cichlid thrives in forest streams with abundant overhanging vegetation. Their natural habitat is characterized by dark, tea-colored water stained with tannins from decaying organic matter. Ideal water conditions for these cichlids include a hardness range of 18-268 ppm, pH levels between 5.5-7.5, and temperatures maintained at 23-27°C.


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